Time-saving Technical Solutions for the Airtight Sealing of Wall Penetrations
Airtightness is one of the fundamental building blocks in high-performance construction. If an assembly is airtight then air leakage, the uncontrolled inward or outward movement of air through gaps, cracks, holes, splits and tears, is reduced to a minimum. In high-performance construction, a continuous air barrier separates the interior conditioned space and the exterior environment. Some wall penetrations in this air barrier are unavoidable in order to facilitate the supply of key...
Partel Presents Ventilation strategy for schools- mitigating virus spread and supporting long term health & comfort.
The Need For Sustainable Fire-Resistant Membranes In The Structural Safety Of Buildings
Why a Breathable all in one membrane makes sense
As the world battles with the crisis that is global warming, one way those of us in construction can help is by building more efficient low energy buildings. The cornerstone of a low energy build is making sure you get the airtightness right! The more airtight the building the less energy that building is likely to consume. However, one unintended consequence of making our buildings more and more airtight is...